Time for the Fair Episode 18– The end


For this final episode of Time for the Fair, I did a live recording of the introduction and Story So Far with my friend, Heather James.  We have known each other for about 15 years through the Good Vibes Coffeehouse, a weekly open stage that meets every Thursday night at Mt. St. Louis Hall.  Heather has proven to be a very enthusiastic fan of the story sending me weekly emails with her responses to each episode.  I was pleased to have her record the last story so far in my living room, then read her the final chapters.  The musical interlude is My New Guitar, by Heather’s husband, classical guitarist Gerald Boy.  You can find his music on CDBaby and itunes.

Thanks to everybody who has contributed to this podcast and to everyone who has listened along.   I am considering posting the audiobook on podiobooks.com and on Bandcamp.  I may also self-publish as an ebook and paperback.  I will post any further news about the story on this website.

Now… It’s Time for the Fair…


Time for the Fair Episode 17

Adapted from  Saskatoon, Canada (Tilt-A-Whirl  Uploaded by SchuminWeb By Daryl Mitchell) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

We are down to the second last episode of Time for the Fair. At the end of the chapter, I discuss some of my upcoming musical events.

March 21: 7:30-9:00:  I will be attending and playing a couple tunes at the annual Music at the Merril Filk Concert at the Merril Collection of Science Fiction, Speculation and Fantasy 239 College Street, Toronto, Ontario M5T 1R5

March 24: I’ll be playing again at the Ladybug Cafe on King Street in Midland, Ontario from 5 – 8 along with Adrien Robitaille.

April 11, I will be performing and participating on panels at the Ad Astra Fan Con in Richmond Hill, Ontario.

April 17-19, you can find my family at the 25th annual FilkOntario in Toronto.
The story so far this week is read by friend, singer-songwriter Scott Cooper I begin the episode by playing his apropo song, Tilt a Whirl from his 2007 album, Tiny Increments.
In this week’s penultimate episode, Robert takes a wild ride, and he and Sue revisit their youth at the fair while frantically searching for Billy.

Now… It’s time for the fair.


adapted from By Eric Wüstenhagen from Hamburg, Deutschland (Red Rule) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons