It’s Time for the Fair… Again

In 2013, my son Sebastian, who was then 13, challenged me to write a novel in a month during National November Novel Writing Month AKA Nanowrimo. In a flurry of activity, we both managed to finish our first novel, and do a daily video blog about our experience.

Fresh off my experience as a CNE blogger, which involved going to the fair a dozen times, at least once with most members of my family, I wrote a time travel fantasy about a boy who is trapped on the grounds of the Canadian National Exhibition, travelling through time through the entire century of its history. for me is the author, it was a romp through my childhood, and pop culture, seen through the eyes of my inner 13 year old, and the experiences of my own 13 year old.

In 2014 and 2015, I produced a podcast version of the story, here. Looking at the worldwide situation in 2020, with everyone hunkering down at home, I think it is time to revisit my light YA fantasy. I might re-podcast the story with new audio introductions, or just post links to the original podcast. In 2015, I also prepared files for a full audiobook version to upload to the now defunct Would anybody be interested in downloading a full audiobook version from Bandcamp or is the podcast version sufficient?

Here is the first episode of the podcast as first published in November 2014.

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