Category Archives: Random Stuff

Musical Interlude 1949: Time for the Fair

In Episode 13, Billy encounters Pops and his new bride in 1949.  They dance to the music of Guy Lombardo and the Royal Canadians.  Guy Lombardo was Canada’s most famous bandleader.  He and his siblings had an orchestra that was popular for almost 50 years, from the 1920s until his death in 1977.

You can find out more about Guy Lombardo on wikipedia.

Here is a sampler of their music from the 1960s.

The SS Noronic was great lakes cruise ship that burned and sank in Toronto Harbour on September 4, 1949.  139 people died in the fire and its aftermath. It was one of the greatest marine disasters in the world.  In life, as in the story, the remains of the Noronic victims were taken to a makeshift morgue on the CNE grounds.

By Andrew Merrilees [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Musical Interlude 1969

In Episode 12 of Time for the Fair, Billy enjoys a day at the CNE in 1969 which includes a Monkees concert.  Although Time for the fair is a fictional fantasy story, The Monkees did perform at the CNE on August 25, 1969– two days after the events in the story.  It’s great writing historical fantasy– you can tweak the dates a bit.


Here are some silent clips from the Monkee’s performance at the CNE in 1969, and a couple musical numbers that they may have played at the show as Billy and family watched on.  Stay tuned for chapter 13 of Time for the Fair this weekend.

Silent Clips from the CNE archives

… and a little music